Relatedness Outcomes

Learning graphic


Cognitive / learning outcomes

  • Young people are more likely to be motivated to learn, do well in school, and participate in school activities when they have supportive teacher-student relationships and experience belonging in school.
  • Positive peer relatedness can support career exploration and commitment.

Feeling graphic


Psychological / emotional outcomes

  • Youth are less likely to feel depressed if they have a sense of family connection and school belonging.
  • Peer and teacher-related belongingness are associated with hope, improved psychological adjustment, and well-being.

Behaving graphic


Behavioural / social outcomes

  • Parent quality and adult bonds are associated with lower rates of delinquency.
  • Teacher-student relationships are associated with lower rates of school misconduct and disciplinary problems.
  • Learning positive social norms (such as appropriate ways to relate to others) from family and peers is linked to reduced antisocial behaviour. This relationship is so strong that it neutralizes any negative influences coming from neighbourhood or school contexts.
  • Youth-adult mentorships with deep connections (i.e., long-term, close, frequent, and involved) are effective at supporting social skill-building.