Developmental assets include both external and internal assets

The Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets™

Developmental Assets™ from The Search Institute provides a list of 40 factors that help youth thrive. The theory is that the more of these positive factors young people have, the more likely they are to become healthy, successful, and happy. The list includes internal personal assets such as self-esteem, honesty, and planning skills. External assets include supportive family, caring school, and involvement in positive youth programs.

Strengths Limitations
  • Developmental Assets™ is comprehensive, with a theory that has been researched in several studies, providing evidence that the developmental assets contribute to thriving.
  • It is strengths-based, focused on enhancing community and individual youth.
  • Assets are shown to contribute to more positive health behaviours and less negative risk behaviours.
  • The type of research studies conducted cannot demonstrate conclusively that the developmental assets caused the positive results for youth.
  • There is a lack of independent research. Much of the research has been conducted and published by The Search Institute, not in independently reviewed academic journals.